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London Show and Tell

Page history last edited by Helen Myers 12 years ago

French Home

The London Language Show...


... attracts many people from all over the country, including many teachers.  It is free and it is held at Olympia.  This year it runs from Friday 19th October to Sunday 21st October 2012


Saturday October 20th 2012, Show & Tell: 4.45 – 5.45 – The Language Show – National Hall, Olympia, Kensington

Social: 6 p.m. until whenever you like! -  

Pub address: Down the Albion, 121 Hammersmith Road, W14 0QL,   Tel: 020 7603 2826 www.downthealbion.com

Tube: Baron's Court (District & Piccadilly Line) – approx 5 minute walk;

Station: Kensington Olympia (9 mins walk)

Plan your journey by visiting www.tfl.gov.uk/journeyplanner or call 0843 222 1234 for up-to-date travel news



The Language Show http://www.languageshowconnect.co.uk/lslive attracts many people from all over the country, including many teachers.  It is free and this year it is being held at National Hall, Olympia from Friday 19th October to Sunday 21st October 2012.


It seems a nice opportunity to meet up informally, so we are supporting Joe Dale and Helen Myers as they host a Show and Tell during the show (Saturday 4.45 – 5.45).  During this session, you can offer to come to the front and share a teaching tip for a few minutes.  If you need to show anything via the laptop, please bring it on a stick or bring a web address, preferably uploaded beforehand on the wiki:



We know that language teachers like to carry on talking and people may just want to have somewhere to go for a quick drink and a chat before they hit the town (or the train home) later, so we have organised a  social event straight afterwards, taking place in a pub very near to  the exhibition venue. 

You don’t have to come to both events, but please try to!


Information is also available on the ALL London website: www.all-london.org.uk


Provisional Outline Programme


The London Language Show,Olympia 2, Hammersmith Road, London W14 8UX.  http://www.languageshowconnect.co.uk/lslive

1800 onwards

Gather at Pub

1800 – whenever you like

Social, Eat, drink and socialise – Quizzes with prizes -  

Bar and food available ..thanks to Edexcel for sponsoring food and Vocab Express who is paying for your first drinkl!





Please could you 'sign up' below to show your interest .. you don't have to 'commit' to 'showing and telling ' yourself at this stage, but if you have an idea that you'd like to, feel free to make a note below. [Advice: embed your email address in   your name .. we've been told that this reduces the likelihood of attracting spam.  We'll edit any which appear, but feel to edit it back if for some reason you prefer to show the address]


  • Saturday 20th October 6pm onwards, at The Albion's function room, 121 Hammersmith Road London W14 0QL 020 7603 2826 (nice reviews here!)



Definite Attendees:

(please write name + give contact details)

  1. Joe Dale (@joedale on Twitter) 
  2. Helen Myers [Twitter contact, email contact]

Maybe Attendees

(please write name + give contact details)


Virtual attendees!

(please write name + give contact details) 




Offers to 'Show and Tell' (don't be shy!)

(please write name + give contact details) 

(suggest 2-5 mins maximum per person for the first round?  Suggest can be anything, not just ICT)



Write your name [in square brackets write what you might show and tell.. can be more than one item .. can add a link to sources / webpages etc]



Request for 'Show and Tell'

(please write request  + give name of person requesting)


Offers to organise things

(please write name + give contact details) 

(e.g.  signage, directing people, writing up, liaison with pub for refreshments, link with sponsors, making meal/drink tickets, making name badges, introducing people to each other, managing the technology, taking photos, M/C, gentle timekeeping,etc etc ...)

  1. Taking photos, directing people


Sponsor: Linguascope 

(Thanks Stéphane Derone!)



Eventually ... we can place orders for food here

(please write name + give contact details)


The pub is very flexible and can offer a range of food and prices from about £5 per head upwards ... (could end up being free if loads turn up and use the bar!)

  1. Name [preference]


Accommodation needed / offered









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Comments (2)

Joanne Brophy said

at 7:17 pm on Jul 1, 2009

I am just a lowly languages teacher but I'd love to come along if that is ok? Jo

Helen Myers said

at 8:29 pm on Jul 1, 2009

Definitely Jo! St Julie's has done loads of really good things, I know, via John ... I've added you to the list - hope that's OK!

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